API Reference

Gets All the Spend Rules On Card

Returns all the relevant merchant rules that could affect a card for a given transaction. In the future, this will also return other relevant spend rules on the card.
If there are rules that conflict in logic, the rule that has a more granular scope will take precedence.
For example, if a card has 2 merchant rules and rule 1 is a default on the super business to block ATMs and rule 2 is
a card-specific merchant rule is to only allow ATMs, rule #2 will win and the card will only work at ATMs.
If there are multiple merchant rules that have the same "mode" (aka two "block" rules), the rules will stack.
For example, if rule 1 is the superbusiness rule to block ATMs and rule 2 is on the card-level and is to block liquor
stores, the transaction will be blocked at both ATMs and liquor stores

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